My name is Greta Gaffin. I'm from Boston, Massachusetts and I have a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and a master of theological studies from Boston University. Here's some of my writing.
journalistic articles on...
Pauli Murray Center Celebrates Groundbreaking Priest-Activist (in The Living Church)
Classes start soon in new Boston College program for 1st-generation, low-income students (in the National Catholic Reporter)
Protesters say they are returning to Lesley action after a third faculty no-confidence vote for leader (in Cambridge Day)
Boston seminary starts preparatory year program for priest candidates (in the National Catholic Reporter)
Closure of Boston-area Catholic school sparks unusual controversy online (in the National Catholic Reporter)
new church leaders:
Bishop-Elect Seeks 'Common Ground to Follow Jesus' (in The Living Church)
Twice Blessed: First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton welcomes two new ministers (in the Newton Beacon)
Mississippi’s New Bishop Aims to Build Community (in The Living Church)
Bishop-Elect Celebrates ‘Belonging to a Body of Love’ (in The Living Church)
First non-ordained abbot in US elected to St. Anselm Abbey (in the National Catholic Reporter)
Rhode Island priest known for food ministry is new bishop of Portland, Maine (in the National Catholic Reporter)
Bishop-elect Eager for Seattle Ministry (in The Living Church)
Boston's first Brazilian Catholic bishop wants immigrants to 'feel at home' (in the National Catholic Reporter)
religious life:
Three Members form a Nascent Religious Community (in The Living Church)
Inside a Brookline monastery, where 18 monks pray, translate religious texts, and bake bread (Brookline News)
Order of the Holy Cross Sees Growth in Vocations (in The Living Church)
Dominicans cite their charism for slight rise in vocations (in Global Sisters Report)
3 sisters form Sisters of the Little Way, a private association of the faithful (in Global Sisters Report)
Q&A with Sr. Terri Schell, sharing a Catholic approach to ecology and faith (in Global Sisters Report)
Q&A with Sr. Jeana Visel, Benedictine iconographer and teacher (in Global Sisters Report)
Korean fast food and Vietnamese sit-down fare are open in Harvard Square’s Crimson Galeria (in Cambridge Day)
Cabot’s, under new ownership, keeps tradition on the table (in the Newton Beacon)
Newton ‘ice cream addict’ makes sweet new product with Life is Good (in the Newton Beacon)
Calvin Robinson Loses License After Parody (in The Living Church)
With last-minute pardon, Biden delivers immigration activist Ravi Ragbir from deportation (in Religion News Service)
Faith-based immigrant rights activist faces threat of deportation (in Religion News Service)
National polling gives these small Catholic-connected colleges outsized influence (in the National Catholic Reporter)
Episcopalians Help at the Polls amid Rising Tension (in The Living Church)
You can read more local journalism I've written for Cambridge Day and for the Newton Beacon.
book reviews:
Review: How To Fix the Dome of St. Peter's? (in America)
Thomas Müntzer, German theologian and revolutionary, is illuminated in new book (in the National Catholic Reporter)
A Floating Priory (in Mere Orthodoxy)
New book examines Christianity during 'the plague that shook the Roman world (in the National Catholic Reporter)
film reviews:
Looking for White Smoke (in The Living Church)
An Episcopus Vagans Who Never Stopped Wandering (in The Living Church)
essays: Meeting the Wolf (Plough)
academic articles: "Black Nationalist Anglicanism: George Alexander McGuire and the African Orthodox Church," forthcoming, Anglican & Episcopal History